måndag 16 november 2015

New paper on animal future‐oriented cognition

Last week WIREs Cognitive Science published an opinion piece by Mathias Osvath,  trying to sort out "the theoretical and terminological muddle" framing the ongoing debate on animal future- oriented cognition. Many researchers still remain convinced that no species other than human beings is able to anticipate future needs or otherwise live in anything other than the immediate present moment. However, rather than being based on empirical data, Osvath argues that this conviction might be the consequence of "largely unquestioned theoretical divides": therefore, putting animal prospection research into the context of evolution and contemporary cognitive science is of utmost importance for the future of this field.

The abstract of the paper: "Putting flexible animal prospection into context: escaping the theoretical box" can be found HERE. Please contact our research group if you are interested in the full pdf.


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